[ The Entries ]
Saturday, February 20, 2010
"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination." -Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
I received my enrolment package today!!!
I've been expecting it since last week, and was so worried about missing the deadline that I've been my letter-box every day, and every day I had to be disappointed because there was nothing there for me.
Today, however, is a day with a difference. I was out when the enrolment package arrived, so I didn't find out until I got home. I threw down my dinner of oyster meesua at the table and ripped open the package. By the time I had done so, I was already dancing, all the weariness I'd felt before then completely vanished, lifted by invisible hands and made to dance along.
It doesn't contain very much, although there is some paperwork and an instructional booklet called the "enrolment guide", with some smiley people on the cover.
Time to get to work!
+ [ Una Ragazza ] + 9:07 PM
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Hey kids!
Well, I noticed I forgot to add some details and thoughts in my last post, so I shall do another.
The minute I received news about my successful posting to Biomedical Science, I arranged for tuition in Chemistry. I am quite worried about it because I never took Chemistry as a subject in Secondary school, if you don't count the measly bits that were in our Sec 2 "General Science", so I have a feeling I'd fall behind quickly if I don't know anything about the subject. Sec 2 was five years ago! Besides, I didn't really pay much attention in class during that time, so I guess I'll have to start from scratch. It'll be a challenge to keep up with the kids who took pure Chemistry as a subject and, heaven forbid, scored 'A's in it.
The kids in Biomedical Science are super-competitive, and I'll have to work 3 times as hard as they do to keep up and do well. I know it's a lot of work but if it's going to get me where I want to go, then why not, huh? Why not, indeed. It certainly won't be easy. My non-academically-challenged friends are already struggling in Poly, drowning in projects, reports and assignments, on top of having to remember the stuff taught in classes and lectures. I am, sad to say, somewhat academically-challenged. It's more difficult for me to keep up, but I'm convinced I can make it if I work hard, if I really want it.
I did more research and noticed that I can go straight to Medical School after Poly! Well, I initially thought that I had to go through university first before going to med school, but that's just the American system. I hope to attend university in the UK, so I hope I'm right about this. It would save so much time and money.
I'm frantic about getting my enrolment package, been checking the mailbox every day. I hope to get it before I leave for Malaysia for CNY, just in case the enrolment deadline is during the period I'll be away.
Sometimes I think I'm crazy to be taking this on. On top of Poly and its assignments, reports, projects, course syllabus, lectures and CCA, I'll still have to juggle my voice lessons and exams. My grade 5 theory is in March, and my practical is around September! During the holidays, I shall have to get a part-time job and do some volunteer work. All this to get into a good university!
At least if I die in 2012, I won't be under pressure anymore. Self-imposed pressure.
Ironic, isn't it?
+ [ Una Ragazza ] + 9:14 PM
Friday, February 5, 2010
Hey guys!
This is the first post on my new blog. I created it so I can keep track of my progress in Poly, which I will enter in April this year. I intend to type about my days, the people I meet there, and of course, the assignments and my thoughts. All this will be from a personal point of view as a student in Poly.
I am psyched about starting school and doing the course I've wanted for so many years. It's all very exciting, especially since I spent all of last year staying at home and studying. It was very suffocating, I tell you, and my parents watching TV, from the moment they awake to the time they go to bed, didn't help either. I went to public libraries, and the competition for study space there, you wouldn't believe it! I miss school and everything about it. I even miss the scolding and the homework, and of course, I miss my CCA.
Finally made it to the course of my choice, I've set my life's aims. I plan to study very hard in Poly, and then go on to University/Medical School at the University of Edinburgh.
Nothing is impossible when I really want it.
+ [ Una Ragazza ] + 3:40 PM